Our Scientists
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ampai Panthong
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ampai Panthong
  • 1964-1969 B.Sc Pharmacy, Mahidol University
  • 1972-1974 M.Sc. Pharmacology, Mahidol University
  • 1975-1979 Dr.rer.nat. Pharmacology, Bonn University, West Germany
  • Pharmacological activities of medicinal plants (especially, bronchodilator, antifertility, antihypertensive, gastro intestinal stimulant or relaxant, uterotonic, analgesic antipyretic and anti-inflammatory activities).
  • Toxicity testing ( acute, subacute, subchronic and chronic toxicity as well as mutagenicity, teratogenicity and toxicity on reproductive system)

Publications (1974 - Present)

  • Panthong, A. and Sivamogstham, P. (1974) Pharmacological study of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) on the gastro¬intestinal tract. Chiang Mai Med. Bull. 13:41-53
  • Panthong, A. and Tejasen, P.(1975) Study of the effects and mechanism of action of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) on the motility of intact intestine in dogs. Chiang Mai Med. Bull.14:221-132
  • Chansirisri, W.; Panthong, A. and Tejasen, P. (1975) Preliminary study of the pharmacological effects of Kloi (Dioscoria sp., Dioscoreaceae). Chiang Mai Med. Bull. 14:123-130
  • Panthong, A. and Harntrakul, M. (1975) Carminatives. Chiang Mai Med. Bull. 14 : 173-177
  • Panthong, A. and Chansirisri, W.(1975) On the problem of using Kloi (Dioscorea sp., Dioscoreaceae) as food. Chiang Mai Med. Bull. 14 : 184-187
  • Panthong, A. (1980) Ehrlich ascites tumour cells and the pharmacological research. Chiang Mai Med. Bull. 19 : 131- 135
  • Hack, G.; Karzel, K.; Panthong, A. und Stein, P. (1980) : In vitro Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von volatilen Anaesthetika auf Zellvermehrung, Zellvolumen sowie zellulaeren Protein-und Nucleinsaerestoffwechsel. Anaesthetist 30 : 134-143
  • Kanjanapothi, D.; Smitasiri, Y.; Panthong, A.; Taesotikul, T. and Rattanapanone, V. (1981) Postcoital antifertility effect of Mentha arvensis. Contraception 24(5) : 559-567
  • Panthong, A.; Hack, G. and Karzel, K. (1983) Action of inhalation anesthetics in clinical concentration upon cellular protein and DNA content of Ehrlich ascites tumour cells in vitro. J. Med. Ass. Thailand 66(1) : 27-36
  • Kanjanapothi, D.; Panthong, A. and Taesotikul, T. (1983) Fertility regulating plants used in Thai traditional medicine. Proceeding of NRCT-JSPS Rattanakosin bicentenial joint seminar on chemistry of natural products. 2-6 August,1982, Bangkok, Thailand, pp.203-212
  • Tuntiwachwuttikul, P.; Pancharoen, O.; Kanjanapothi, D.; Panthong, A.; Taylor, W.C. and Reutrakul, V. (1986) Zingiberaceous Plants, in Folk Medicine : The Art and The Science. Ed. Richard T. Steiner. American Chemical Society, Washington D.C., Chapter 13, pp 191-204.
  • Panthong, A.; Kanjanapothi, D. and Taylor, W.C. (1986) Ethnobotanical review of medicinal plants from Thai traditional books. Part I: Plants with anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic and antihypertensive properties. J. Ethnopharmacology 18(3) : 213-228
  • Kanjanapothi,D.; Soparat,P.; Panthong, A; Tuntiwachwuttikul, P. and Reutrakul, V. (1987) Compound D, a uterine relaxant from Zingiber cassumunar, Roxb. Planta Medica 53(4):329- 332
  • Panthong, A. (1987) N-Acetylcysteine : Mechanism of prevention of hepatotoxicity from paracetamol overdosage. Hospital Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, 16(1):35-38.
  • Panthong, A.; Tassaneeyakul, W.; Kanjanapothi, D.; Tuntiwach¬wuttikul, P. and Reutrakul, V. (1989) Anti-inflammatory activity of 5,7-dimethoxyflavone. Planta Medica 55 :133- 136
  • Taesotikul,T.; Panthong, A.; Kanjanapothi, D.; Verpoorte, R. and Scheffer, J.J.C. (1989) Hippocratic screening of ethanolic extracts from two Tabernaemontana species. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 27(1-2):99-106
  • Taesotikul, T.; Panthong, A.; Kanjanapothi, D.: Verpoorte, R. and Scheffer J.J.C. (1989) Cardiovascular effects of Tabernaemontana pandacaqui. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 27(1-2):107-119
  • Panthong, A.; Kanjanapothi, D.; Rattana, C. and Tuntiwachwuttikul, P. (1990) Actions of 1-(3,4- dimethoxyphenyl)-1,4-butanediol and its derivatives on histamine- and methacholine-induced bronchoconstriction. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 183(2): 220.
  • Taesotikul, T.; Panthong, A.; Kanjanapothi, D.: Verpoorte, R. and Scheffer J.J.C. (1990) Pharmacological screening of crude alkaloids from Tabernaemontana pandacaqui. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 183(4): 1458.
  • Kanjanapothi, D.; Panthong, A.; Tardsuwan, K. and Arbain, D. (1990) Hypotensive effect of bukittinggine, an alkaloid isolated from Sapium baccatum. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 183(5): 1826.
  • Panthong, A., Kanjanapothi, D., Niwatananun, V., Tuntiwachwuttikul, P. and Reutrakul, V. (1990) Anti- inflammatory activity of compounds isolated from Zingiber cassumunar. Planta Medica 56: 655
  • Taesotikul, T., Panthong, A., Kanjanapothi, D., Verpoorte, R. and Scheffer (1990) Pharmacological activities of Tabernaemontana pandacaqui Poir. Planta Medica 56: 688
  • Fatima N, Shah Z, Ur-Rahman A, Panthong A, Kanjanapothi D, Taesothikul T. (1990). Antihypertensive and tocolytic activities of Ervatamia coronaris. Titotherapia 61(2). 156-159
  • Panthong, A.; Kanjanapothi, D.; Taesotikul, T. and Taylor, W.C. (1991) Ethnobotanical review of medicinal plants from Thai traditional books. Part II: Plants with antidiarrheal, laxative and carminative properties. J. Ethnopharmacol. 31: 121-156.
  • Kanjanapothi, D.; Panthong, A. and Taesotikul, T. (1991) Pharmacological activities of some plants of family Zingiberaceae. Proceeding: Substances naturelles d'origine vegetale, p 119-122.
  • Cleason, P.; Panthong, A., Tuchinda, P.; Reutrakul, V.; Kanjanapothi, D.; Taylor, W.C. and Santisuk, T. (1993) Three non-phenolic diarrhylheptanoid with anti-inflammatory activity from Curcuma xanthorhiza. Planta Medica 59:451-454
  • Panthong, A.; Kanjanapothi, D.; Tuntiwachwuttikul, P.; Pancharoen, O. and Reutrakul, V. (1994) Antiinflammatory activity of flavonoids. Phytomedicine 1: 141-144.
  • Mahabusarakam, W.; Panthong, A. and Kunanusorn, P. (1994). Screening of anti-inflammatory activity and analgesic effect of chemicals from Maesa ramentacea. Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 16(3): 277-281.
  • Panthong, A.; Kanjanapothi, D.; Niwatananant, W.; Tuntiwachwuttikul, P. and Reutrakul, V. (1997) Antiinflammatory activity of compound D {(E)-4-(3’,4’-dimethoxyphenyl)but-3-en-2-ol} isolated from Zingiber cassumunar Roxb. Phytomedicine 4(3): 207-212.
  • Taesotikul, T.; Panthong, A.; Kanjanapothi, D.; Verpoorte, R. and Scheffer, J.C.C. (1998) Cardiovascular activity of the crude alkaloid fraction from stems of Tabernaemontana pandacaqui Poir. J. Ethnopharmacol. 59: 131-137
  • Taesotikul, T.; Panthong, A.; Kanjanapothi, D.; Verpoorte, R. and Scheffer, J.C.C. (1998) Neuropharmacological activities of the crude alkaloidal fraction from stems of Tabernaemontana pandacaqui Poir. J. Ethnopharmacol. 62:229-234
  • Panthong, A., Kanjanapothi, D., Thitiponpunt, Y., Taesotikul, T. and Arbain, D. (1998) Anti-inflammatory activity of alkaloid bukittinggine from Sapium baccatum. Planta Medica 64: 530-535
  • Pitasawat, B., Choochote, W., Kanjanapothi,, D., Panthong, A., Jitpakdi, A. and Chaitong, U. (1998) Screening for larvicidal activity of ten carminative plants. Southeast Asian J. Trop Med Public Health 29(3):660-662
  • Choochote, W.; Kanjanapothi,, D.; Panthong, A.; Jitpakdi, A.; Chaitong, U. and Pitasawat B. (1999) Larvicidal, adulticidal and repellent effects of Kaempferia galanga. Southeast Asian J. Trop Med Public Health 30(3): 470-476
  • Reutrakul, V.; Tuchinda, P.; Pornpimol, W.; Pohmakotr, M.; Sophasan, S.; Surarit, K.; Upsatham, ES.; Yoosook, C.; Panthong, A. and Kanjanapothi, D. (2001) In: Congress Proceeding 2000 Years of Natural Products Research – Past, Present and Future. July 1999. Amsterdam Luijendijk TJC (ed) Bioactive Natural Products from Tropical Forest 193-231. Phytoconsult, Amsterdam The Netherlands
  • Hazekamp, A.; Verpoorte, R. and Panthong, A. (2001). Isolation of a bronchodilator flavonoid from the Thai medicinal plant Clerodendrum petasites. J. Ethnopharmacol. 78 (1): 45-49
  • Taesotikul, T.; Panthong, A.; Kanjanapothi, D.; Verpoorte, R. and Scheffer, J.C.C. (2003) Anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and antinociceptive activities of Tabernaemontana pandacaqui Poir. J. Ethnopharmacol. 84(1): 31-35
  • Panthong, A.; Kanjanapothi, D.; Taesotikul, T.; Wongcome, T. and Reutrakul, V. (2003) Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties of Clerodendrum petasites S. Moore. J. Ethnopharmacol. 85: 151-156
  • Trongsakul, S.; Panthong, A.; Kanjanapothi, D. and Tawat Taesotikul, T (2003) The analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory activity of Diospyros variegata Kruz. J. Ethnopharmacol. 85(2-3): 221-225
  • Rujjanawate, C.; Kamjanapothi, D. and Panthong, A. (2003) Pharmacological effect and toxicity of alkaloids from Gelsemium elegans Benth. J. Ethnopharmacol. 89 (1): 91-95.
  • Witawaskul, P; Panthong, A.; Kanjanapothi, D; Taesotikul, T. and Lertprasertkul, N. (2003) Acute and subacute toxicities of the saponin mixture isolated from Schefflera lucantha Viguier J. Ethnopharmacol. 89(1): 115-121.
  • วิรวรรณ วิสิฐพงศ์พันธ์, วีรวรรณ เรืองยุทธการณ์, ไชยยง รุจจนเวช, อำไพ ปั้นทอง, อุษณีย์ วินิจเขตคำนวณ, นิรัชร์ เลิศประเสริฐสุข (2546) การทดสอบความเป็นพิษของน้ำสกัดใบรางจืด. วารสารสมุนไพร ปีที่ 10(2) หน้า 23-36
  • Intahphuak, S.; Panthong, A., Kanjanapothi, D., Taesotikul, T., and Reutrakul, V. (2004). Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of Mallotus spodocarpus Airy Shaw. J. Ethnopharmacol. 90(1): 69-72
  • Kanjanapothi, D.; Panthong, A.; Lertprasertsuke, N.; Taesothikul, T.; Rujjanawate, C.; Kaewpinit, D.; Sudthayakorn, R.; Choochote, W.; Chaithong, U.; Jitpakdi, A. and Pitasuwat, B. (2004) Toxicity of crude rhizome extract of Kaempferia galanga L. (Proh Hom). Ethnopharmacol. 90(2-3): 359-365
  • Panthong, A.; Kanjanapothi, D.; Taesotikul, T.; Pankummoon, A. and Reutrakul, V (2004) Anti-inflammatory activity of methanolic extracts from Ventilago harmandiana Pierre. Ethnopharmacol. 91(2-3): 237-242
  • Thanaporn, S,; Jaijoy, K.; Thamaree, S.; Inganinan, K. and Panthong, A. (2005) Acute and subchronic toxicity study of the ethanol extract from the rhizome of Cyperus rotundus Linn. Mahidol University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 32 (1-2): 15-22
  • Thanaporn, S,; Jaijoy, K.; Thamaree, S.; Inganinan, K. and Panthong, A. (2005) Acute and subchronic toxicity study of the ethanol extract from Alternanthera philoxeroides Griseb. Mahidol University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 32 (1-2): 7-14
  • Thanaporn, S,; Jaijoy, K.; Thamaree, S.; Inganinan, K. and Panthong, A. (2006) Acute and subchronic toxicity study of the ethanol extract from Lonicera japonica Thumb. J. Ethnopharmacol. 107 (3): 370-373
  • Khonsung, P.; Nansupawat, S; Jesadanont, S.; Chantharateptawan , V. and Panthong, A (2007) Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of water extract of Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke. Thai J. Pharmacol. 28(3), 2006
  • Panthong, A.; Supraditaporn, W.; Kanjanapothi, K.; Taesotikul, T. and Reutrakul, V.(2007) Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and venotonic effects of Cissus quadrangularis Linn. J. Ethnopharmacol. 110 (2): 264-270
  • Panthong, A.; Noekaew, P.; Kanjanapothi, K.; Taesotikul, T.; Anantachoke, N. and Reutrakul, V.(2007) Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic activities of Garcinia hanburyi Hook f. J. Ethnopharmacol. 111(2): 335-340
  • Wongcome, T.; Panthong, A.; Kanjanapothi, D.; Taesotikul, T.; Lertprasertsuk, N. and Jesadanont, S. (2007) Hypotensive effect and toxicology of the extract from Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn) Colebr. . J. Ethnopharmacol. 111 (3): 468-475
  • Khonsung, P.; Nuntsupawat, S.; Jesadanont, S.N.; Chantharateptawan, V. and Panthong, A. (2007) Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of water extract of Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke. Thai J Pharmacol 28(3): 8-15
  • Tiamjan, R; Panthong, A.; Taesotikul, T.; Rujjanawate, C.; Taylor, W.C. and Kanjanapothi, D. (2007) Hypotensive activity of Tacca chantrieri and its hypotensive principles. Pharmaceutical Biology 45(6): 481-485
  • Wanikiat, P.; Panthong, A.; Sujaianon, P.; Yoosook, C.; Rossi, A.G. and Reutrakul V. (2008) The anti-inflammatory effects and the inhibition of neutrophil responsiveness by Barelia lupulina and Clinacanthus nutans extracts. . J. Ethnopharmacol. 116 (1): 234-244
  • Orasa Panchareon, Anan Athpornchai, Ampai Panthong, and Walter Charles Taylor. (2008) Isoflavones and rotenoids from the leaves of Millettia brandisiana. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 56(6):835-8738
  • Panthong, A., Khonsung, P., Kunanusorn, P., Wongcome, T. And Pongsamart, S. (2008) The laxative effect of fresh pulp aqueous extracts from Thai tamarind cultivars. Planta Medica 74:1182
  • Wongcome, T., Khonsung, P., Jatisatienr, A., Dheeranupattana, S. and Panthong, A. (2008) Acute, subacute and dermal toxicology of the bioinsecticide from Stemona curtisii Hook.F. Planta Medica 74: 1131
  • Kunanusorn P*, Teekachunhatean S, Sangdee C, Panthong A. (2009) Antinociceptive and Anti-inflammatory Activities of a Chinese Herbal Recipe (DJW) in Animal Models. International Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products Vol. 2(1): 1-8
  • Ampai Panthong, Rachen Panggaoop, Parirat Khonsung, Natthakarn Chiranthanut, Narong Nuntasaen, Sasithorn Jaitheerapapkul, Vichai Reutrakul. (2009) Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of the methanol extract from Gacinia wallichii Choisy in animal models. Chiang Mai Medical Journal 49(3):105-115
  • Panthong A, Thammasri K, Chiranthanut N, Khonsung P, Nuntasaen N, Jaitheerapapkul S, Reutrakul V. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects of the methanol extract from Bauhinia siamensis K. & S.S. Larsen. Thai J Pharmacol 2009;31(2):15-24.
  • Panthong, Kanda; Hutadilok-Owatana, Nongporn; Panthong, Ampai (2009) Cowaxanthone F, a new tetraoxygenated xanthone, and other anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds from Garcinia cowa. Canadian Journal of Chemistry 87(11): 1639-1640
  • Intaphuak, S. Khonsung, P. Panthong A.. (2010) Anti-inflammatory analgesic and antipyretic activities of virgin coconut oil. Journal of Pharmaceutical Biology 48(2):151-157
  • Jaijoy, K; Soonthornchareonnon, N; Lertprasertsuke, N; Panthong, A.; Sireeratawong, S. (2010). Acute and chronic oral toxicity of standardized water extract from the fruit of Phyllanthus emblica Linn. International Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products 3 (1): 48-58,
  • Jaijoy, K; Soonthornchareonnon, N; Panthong, A.; Sireeratawong, S. (2010). Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of the water extract from the fruit of Phyllanthus emblica Linn. International Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products 3 (2): 28-35
  • Sukit Roongapinun, Sun-Young Oh, Fan Wu, Ampai Panthong, Tao Zheng, Zhou Zhu (2010). Role of SHIP-1 in the additive immune responses to aeroallergen in the airway. PLoS ONE / www.plosone.org, November 2010 / Volume 5 / Issue 11/ e14174
  • Reutrakul V, Anantachoke N, Pohmakotr M, Jaipetch T, Yoosook C, Kasisit J, Napaswa C, Panthong A, Santisuk T, Prabpai S, Kongsaeree P, Tuchinda P. (2010 Mar ) Anti HIV 1 and anti inflammatory lupanes from the leaves twigs and resin of Garcinia hanburyi. Planta Med. ;76(4):368-71
  • Chiranthanut N, Khonsung P, Jatisatienr A, Dheeranupatana S, Panthong A. (2010) Acute Dermal Toxicity and Repeated Dose 90-Day Oral Toxicity Studies of the Bioinsecticide from Stemona curtisii Hook. F. CMU J Nat Sci; 10:15-26.
  • Puongtip Kunanusorn, Ampai Panthong, Prapadsorn Pittayanurak, Sombat Wanauppathamkul, Narong Nathasaen and Vichai Reutrakul (2011). Acute and subchronic oral toxicity studies of Nelumbo nucifera stamens extract in rats. J. Ethnopharmacol. 134 (2011) 789–795
  • Khonsung P, Panthong A, Chiranthanut N, Intahphuak S. (2011) Hypotensive effect of the water extract of the leaves of Pseuderanthemum palatiferum. J Nat Med;65(3-4):551-558.
  • Kunanusorn Puongtip, Panthong Ampai, Nuntasaen Narong, Pittayanurak Prapadsorn, Reutrakul Vichai (2011). Acute and Repeated Dose 90-Day Oral Toxicity Studies of Clausena excavata Extract in Rats. JPBMS, 12 (14)
  • K Jaijoy, N Soonthornchareonnon, A. Panthong, S Sireeratawong (2011). Anti-ulcerogenic Activity of the Standardized Water Extract of Phyllanthus emblica Linn. Planta Medica 08/2011; 77(12). DOI:10.1055/s-0031-1282780 · 2.34
  • Chaiwongsa R, Ongchai S, Boonsing P, Kongtawelert P, Panthong A, Reutrakul V. (2012) .Active compound of Zingiber cassumunar Roxb. down-regulates the expression of genes involved in joint erosion in a human synovial fibroblast cell line. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med.;10(1):40-8.
  • Seangphakdee P, Pompimon W, Meepowpan P, Panthong A, Chiranthanut N, Banjerdpongchai R, Wudtiwai B, Nuntasaen N, Pitchuanchom S. (2013). Anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities of (−)-zeylenol from stems of Uvaria grandiflora. Sci Asia.; 39:610-614.
  • Rujirek Chaiwongsa, Siriwan Ongchai, Phorani Boonsing, Prachya Kongtawelert, Ampai Panthong, and Vichai Reutrakul (2013). Active Compound of Zingiber Cassumunar Roxb. Down-Regulates the Expression of Genes Involved in Joint Erosion in a Human Synovial Fibroblast Cell Line. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med.; 10(1): 40–48.
  • Chiranthanut N, Teekachunhatean S, Panthong A, Khonsung P, Kanjanapothi D, Lertprasertsuk N. (2013). Toxicity evaluation of standardized extract of Gynostemma pentaphyllum Makino. J Ethnopharmacol.;149(1):228-34.
  • Hanprasertpong N, Teekachunhatean S, Chaiwongsa R, Ongchai S, Kunanusorn P, Sangdee C, Panthong A, Bunteang S, Nathasaen N, Reutrakul V. (2014). Analgesic, Anti-Inflammatory, and Chondroprotective Activities of Cryptolepis buchanani Extract: In Vitro and In Vivo Studies. BioMed Research International Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 978582, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/978582
  • Kunnaja P, Wongpalee SP, Panthong A. (2014). Evaluation of anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic activities of the ethanol extract from Murdannia loriformis (Hassk.) Rolla Rao et Kammathy. Bioimpacts.;4(4):183-9.
  • Pingsusaen P, Kunanusorn P, Khonsung P, Chiranthanut N, Panthong A, Rujjanawate C.( 2015) Investigation of anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive and antipyretic activities of Stahlianthus involucratus rhizome ethanol extract. J Ethnopharmacol.;162:199-206.
  • Autsavakitipong T, Khonsung P, Panthong A, Chiranthanut N, Kunanusorn P, Nuntasaen N, Jaipetch T, Bunteang S, Reutrakul V.( 2015). Preliminary evaluation of the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of Tacca integrifolia in rodents. IJARNP.; 8(1):19-25.
  • Kunnaja P, Chiranthanut N, Kunanusorn P, Khonsung P, Wongnoppavich A, Panthong A. (2015). Evaluation of gastroprotective potential of the ethanol extract from Murdannia loriformis in rats. IJARNP.; 8(1):34-4
  • Hongthong S, ·Kuhakarn C, Jaipetch T, Prabpai S, · Kongsaeree P, ·Piyachaturawat P, ·Jariyawat S, ·Suksen K, Limthongkul J, Panthong A, Nuntasaen N, Reutrakul V. (2015). Polyoxygenated cyclohexene derivatives isolated from Dasymaschalon sootepense and their biological activities. Fitoterapia 09/2015; DOI:10.1016/j.fitote.2015.09.001
  • Baiubon P, Kunanusorn P, Khonsung P, Chiranthanut N, Panthong A, Rujjanawate C. (2016). Gastroprotective activity of the rhizome ethanol extract of Zingiber simaoense Y. Y. Qian in rats. J Ethnopharmacol. 194:571-576.
  • Na Takuathung M, Wongnoppavich A, Pitchakarn P, Panthong A, Khonsung P, Chiranthanut N, Soonthornchareonnon N, Sireeratawong S. (2017). Effects of Wannachawee Recipe with Antipsoriatic Activity on Suppressing Inflammatory Cytokine Production in HaCaT Human Keratinocytes. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2017: 5906539.
  • Pailee P, Kruahong T, Hongthong S, Kuhakarn C, Jaipetch T, Pohmakotr M, Jariyawat S, Suksen K, Akkarawongsapat R, Limthongkul J, Panthong A, Kongsaeree P, Prabpai S, Tuchinda P, Reutrakul V. (2017). Cytotoxic, anti-HIV–1 and anti-inflammatory activities of lanostanes from fruits of Garcinia speciosa. Phytochem Let.; 20: 111-8.
  • Na Takuathung M, Wongnoppavich A, Panthong A, Khonsung P, Chiranthanut N, Soonthornchareonnon N, Sireeratawong S. (2018). Antipsoriatic Effects of Wannachawee Recipe on Imiquimod-Induced Psoriasis-Like Dermatitis in BALB/c Mice. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2018:7931031.
  • Inchab K, Khonsung P, Chiranthanut N, Kunanusorn P, Potikanond S, Chansakaow S, Panthong A, Sireeratawong S. (2018). Anti-gastric ulcer activity of the water extract from Payawanorn (Pseuderanthemum palatiferum). J Health Sci Med Res. 36(2):89-95.
  • Inchab K, Khonsung P, Chiranthanut N, Kunanusorn P, Panthong A, Sireeratawong S. (2019). Evaluation of Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, and Antipyretic Activities of Pseuderanthemum palatiferum. CMU. J. Nat. Sci. 18(3):393-407.
  • Laprasert C, Kunanusorn P, Panthong A, Khonsung P, Chiranthanut N, Rujjanawate C. (2020). Gastric ulcer healing activity against acidified ethanol-induced gastric ulcer and gastroprotective mechanisms of Zingiber simaoense rhizome ethanol extract in rats. Pharmacognosy Magazine. 16(68):152. 10.4103/pm.pm_389_19.
  • Panthong K, Hongthong S, Kuhakarn C, Piyachaturawat P, Suksen K, Panthong A, Chiranthanut N, Kongsaeree P, Prabpai S, Nuntasaen N, Reutrakul V. (2020). Pyranonaphthoquinone and anthraquinone derivatives from Ventilago harmandiana and their potent anti-inflammatory activity. Phytochemistry. 169:112182. doi: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2019.112182
  • Pichaet. Wiriyachitra, Siriporn Wonghiranyingyot, Ampai Panthong, Ganigah, Ruanjahn. Sauwalak Pongpaichit and Wilawan Mahabusarakam. (2024). ByeBye HIV with Thai Innovation. Clin Immunol Res. 2024; 8(1)
  • Pichaet. Wiriyachitra, Preeya Leelakul, Sirithip Wiriyachitra, Ampai Panthong, Sakda Seesangkom. (2024). Cancer patient life quality improvement by T-cell stimulation with five edible plants. Clin Immunol Res. 2024; 8(5)